Keep abreast and updated with the latest news and events happening in Credo Diagnostics and the world around us.

Credo Preps MDx System, Multiplex Respiratory Test for US Launch
NEW YORK – Singapore-based Credo Diagnostics Biomedical is preparing to start US clinical trials fora new near-patient point-of-care molecular diagnostic system and multiplex respiratory test. The company intends to submit the instrument

Credo VitaPCR™ System Has Passed the CAP Proficiency Testing
Credo Diagnostics Biomedical Pte. Ltd. to uphold quality and demonstrate product performance as well as compare it with competing brands in the market. Our VitaPCR™ system has successfully passed the CAP (College

Miniaturized Real-Time PCR systems for SARS-CoV-2 detection at the Point-of-Care
VitaPCR™ RT-PCR test reaches sensitivity and specificity close to 100% (99,3% and 94,7%, respectively). With this 1.2 kg device, the test is simple and fast, obtaining results in 20 min

Comparative practicability and analytical performances of Credo VitaPCR™ Flu A&B and Cepheid Xpert® Xpress Flu/RSV platforms
We herein compared the practicability and analytical performances of VitaPCR™ Flu A&B Assay and Xpert® Xpress Flu/RSV assay, two rapid POC NAATs, by reference to multiplex rRT-PCR for respiratory virus

Performances of the VitaPCR™ SARS‐CoV‐2 Assay during the second wave of the COVID‐19 epidemic in France
Finally, our observations confirm high usability and good appreciation of VitaPCR™ platform for its short duration of analysis (20 min), the little place occupied, and the possibility of point‐of‐care use,

Current diagnostic tools for coronaviruses–From laboratory diagnosis to POC diagnosis for COVID-19
Several companies in other countries have developed novel molecular POC assays for COVID-19. One example is the VitaPCR™ COVID-19 Assay produced by a Singapore company, Credo Diagnostics Biomedical.46 This assay